We will be New Zealand's most respected and
successful provider of programmes that build
strong kids, strong families and strong
communities. We are in effect, helping to
build strong New Zealanders.
We will be New Zealand's most respected and successful provider of programmes that build strong kids, strong families and strong communities. We are in effect, helping to build strong New Zealanders.

The Y's of New Zealand
are community organisations
who aim to enable individuals
and families to develop physically,
mentally and spiritually, and
enjoy a healthy quality of life.
The Y's of New Zealand are community organisations who aim to enable individuals and families to develop physically, mentally and spiritually, and enjoy a healthy quality of life.

Caring - Atawhaitia
Respect - Whakanui i te Tangata
Honesty - Te Whakapono
Responsibility - Te Awenga Atu
The World of the YMCA