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Find Your Local Y

You'll find us all over the country. With over 100 centres, there's a Y in a community near you.

Y North – Auckland

Head Office

Cnr Pitt Street and Greys Ave

Auckland CBD

Phone: Outside New Zealand
0064 9 303 2068

W www.ymcanorth.org.nz

Auckland Fitness Centre

149 Greys Ave

Auckland CBD

W www.ymcanorth.org.nz/find-your-local/auckland-city-fitness/


Cnr Pitt Street and Greys Ave

Auckland CBD

Phone: Outside New Zealand
0064 9 303 2068

W www.ymcaaccommodation.org.nz/accommodation/ymca-hostel

City Lodge

150 Vincent St

Auckland CBD

P 64 9 379 6183

W www.citylodge.co.nz

Ellerslie Recreation Centre

49 Michaels Ave Reserve


P 64 9 579 4719

W www.ymcanorth.org.nz/find-your-local/ellerslie-recreation-centre

Ellerslie Early Learning Centre

49A Michaels Ave Reserve


P 64 9 579 4753

W www.ymcanorth.org.nz/find-your-local/ellerslie-early-learning-centre

Hunua (Camp Adair)

2487 Hunua Road

RD3 Hunua

Phone: Outside New Zealand 0064 9 292 4886

W www.ymcanorth.org.nz/find-your-local/camp-adair-hunua/

Massey Leisure Centre

545 Don Buck Rd


P 64 9 833 8100

W www.ymcanorth.org.nz/find-your-local/massey-leisure-centre/

Early Learning Centre

545 Don Buck Rd


P 64 9 832 7324

W www.ymcanorth.org.nz/find-your-local/massey-early-learning-centre/

Mt Albert

773 New North Road,

Mt Albert

P 64 9 846 0788

W www.ymcanorth.org.nz/find-your-local/mt-albert-community/

North Shore Recreation Centre

5 Akoranga Drive,


P 64 9 480 7099

W www.ymcanorth.org.nz/find-your-local/north-shore-recreation-centre/

Beach Haven Early Learning Centre

130 Beach Haven Road,

Beach Haven

P 09 482 1209

W www.ymcanorth.org.nz/programmes/early-learning-centres/

Birkdale Early Learning Centre

134 Birkdale Road


P 09 483 7659

W www.ymcanorth.org.nz/programmes/early-learning-centres/

Glenfield Early Learning Centre

73-77 Bentley Avenue


P 09 484 8128

W www.ymcanorth.org.nz/programmes/early-learning-centres/

Onehunga War Memorial Pool and Leisure Centre

Part Gardens


P 64 9 634 3748

W www.ymcanorth.org.nz/find-your-local/onehunga-war-memorial-pool/

Sir William Jordan Recreation Centre

5 Pearce Street,


P 64 9 636 8825

W www.ymcanorth.org.nz/find-your-local/sir-william-jordan-recreation/

Panmure Lagoon Pool and Leisure Centre

29 Lagoon Drive,


P 64 9 570 9061

W www.ymcanorth.org.nz/find-your-local/lagoon-leisure-fitness-centre/

Panmure Lagoon Stadium

44 Domain Road


64 9 570 5321

W www.ymcanorth.org.nz/find-your-local/lagoon-stadium/

Shakespear Lodge (Camp)

Shakespear Regional Park


Phone: Outside New Zealand
0064 9 424 7111

W www.ymcanorth.org.nz/find-your-local/shakespear-lodge/

Glen Innes Leisure Centre

122 Elstree Ave

Glen Innes

64 9 527 3260

W www.ymcanorth.org.nz/find-your-local/glen-innes-pool-leisure/

Lynfield Youth and Leisure Centre

16-18 Griffen Park Road

Mt Roskill

P 64 9 627 1642

W www.ymcanorth.org.nz/find-your-local/lynfield-leisure-youth-centre/

Cameron Pool & Leisure Centre Mt Roskill

53 Arundel St

Mount Roskill

P 64 9 624 6058

W www.ymcanorth.org.nz/find-your-local/cameron-pool-leisure-centre/

Manurewa Early Learning Centre

29 McKean Ave


P 09 267 0673

W www.ymcanorth.org.nz/programmes/early-learning-centres/

Y North – Tauranga
Y North – Hamilton
Y Gisborne

Head Office & Fitness

150 Roebuck Rd

Gisborne 4010

P 64 6 867 9259

W www.ymcagisborne.org.nz

Y-Kids Early Childhood Centre

130 Roebuck Road

Gisborne 4010

P 64 6 867 9259

W www.ymcagisborne.org.nz

Y Arataha Early Childhood Centre

224 Wainui Road

Gisborne 4010

P 64 6 867 9259

W www.ymcagisborne.org.nz

Y Tamariki Bilingual Early Childhood Centre

224a Wainui Road

Gisborne 4010

P 64 6 867 9259

W www.ymcagisborne.org.nz

Y South Waikato
Y Taranaki
Y Hawke’s Bay

Head Office

720 Pakowhai Rd, Frimley

Hastings 4120

P 64 6 878 3027

W www.ymcahb.org.nz

Y Central – Whanganui

125 Grey Street

Wanganui 4501

P 0800 YMCA 4u (962248)

W www.ycentral.nz

Y Central – Palmerston North

148 Park Road

Palmerston North 4410

P 0800 YMCA 4u (962248)

W www.ycentral.nz

Y Central

Head Office Support Centre

67 Pilmuir Street

Lower Hutt

P 0800 YMCA 4u (962248)

W www.ycentral.nz

Raise Up

P 0800 YMCA 4u (962248)

W www.ycentral.nz

Upper Hutt

Somme Road, Trentham

Upper Hutt

P 0800 YMCA 4u (962248)

W www.ycentral.nz


371 Queen Street

Masterton 5810

P 0800 YMCA 4u (962248)

W www.ycentral.nz

Camp Kaitoke

184 Marchant Road

Kaitoke, Upper Hutt

P 0800 YMCA 4u (962248)

W www.ycentral.nz

Pilmuir Accommodation

67 Pilmuir Street

Lower Hutt

P 0800 YMCA 4u (962248)

W www.ycentral.nz

Y Nelson


156 Toi Toi Street

Nelson 7010

P 64 3 545 6631

W www.nelsonymca.org.nz

Y Central South Island – Timaru

Head Office

23 Butler Street

Timaru 7910

P 64 3 688 3682

W www.ymcasc.org.nz

7-9 Sophia Street

Timaru 7910

P 64 3 688 3682

W www.ymcasc.org.nz

Y Invercargill

Education, Recreation & Trust

77 Tay Street

Invercargill 9810

P 64 3 218 2989

W www.ysouthland.org.nz

Y Central South Island – Christchurch

Christchurch Education Centre

4 Rolleston Avenue

Christchurch 8013

P 022 107 4858

W www.ymcasc.org.nz

Y Central South Island – Oamaru

44 Humber Street

Oamaru 9400

P 027 410 7513

W www.ymcasc.org.nz

Y Central South Island – Ashburton


Tancred Mall

Tancred Street


P 027 414 3157

W www.ymcasc.org.nz

Y Central South Island – Twizel


Twizel Events Centre

61 McKenzie Drive


P 027 414 3157

W www.ymcasc.org.nz